50 Shades of No Thank You!!! *SPOILER ALERT*

When ’50 Shades of Grey’ was released, I read every. single. book. Front to back. I didn’t put them down for anything. I loved the trilogy, and was so excited when I heard they were making a movie out of it! My wonderful boyfriend, knowing how much I loved the books, decided to buy two tickets to the movie for us on valentines day. I’m not very good at waiting, so I started browsing online for reviews. I had only hoped it was HALF as good as the books.

I came across many posts about domestic abuse, violence, etc. Which, of course made me go back and think about the books and wonder how the movie would display it all. I chalked it all up to people who couldn’t handle BDSM (and of course I was wrong).

I thought the actors were okay, but not great choices for Christian and Ana. I had imagined Christian as being taller, darker hair, and more buff, handsome, and more powerful. I had imagined Ana as, well..younger. Not that Dakota Johnson is OLD, but.. it just didn’t fit.

When we got into the theater and the movie began there was a lot of laughter. I expected couples all over each other, or at the very least,  awkward silences as people watched someone being spanked and tied up on a big screen. It wasn’t the case. The movie did not feel serious in so many parts. It felt like a joke.

Many people may criticize Dakota Johnsons body, or her age, or how the character she played was victimized and what-not in their reviews. All I, personally, could focus on, was how she had the deer-in-headlights look SO often. She was constantly pausing and creating silence between scenes. Like the director didn’t know what else to add and they were waiting around hoping something would just happen.

It felt very clumsy and not at all like I was expecting or hoping for. At the end, it ended with another elevator scene, just like in the beginning, which felt very played out. I also hadn’t realized there would be three, yes three!! movies. One for each book.

Needless to say, we payed to watch ‘Ana’ ride in an elevator, get spanked, cry, look confused, ride in a helicopter, and stare at the screen for over two hours. I would say that it’s an alright movie, and I’d probably watch it again, but wait for this one to come out as a rental dvd that you can return when you’re done and disappointed.

Have you seen 50 shades on the big screen? Let me know below, and vote in the poll on how you felt about it!

You can also check out the trilogy, here! If you don’t have amazon prime, you only need to add $7.01 worth of merchandise to your cart to get the books for less than 10 dollars a piece with free shipping!

  • i do not own or claim to own the header image of the fifty shades of grey movie.